Hello out there! I’m Erin, the proud owner of my very own brain. I know, everyone has a brain, but no one’s brain is as unique as mine. I am autistic, or for some, I have autism. Now, you may be thinking that’s a bad thing, but to me, it just means I’m programmed differently. Sometimes, the world doesn’t like this because I don’t act or think like other people. I’m unpredictable. However, it also gives me strengths in areas others don’t have. Here are some examples:

  • I speak the truth. If your idea is crap, I’m going to tell you. This is a positive and a negative depending on the audience. Fortunately, people around me like this bluntness because it allows us to more quickly solve problems.
  • My pattern recognition is amazing, and not only that, but I love making patterns. I’m a software engineer. This helps me to quickly learn new code and make changes by finding similar patterns. And once I’m familar with the patterns, I often find places that are different and make them the same.
  • When I’m interesting in something, I go all in. Granted, I don’t always stick with a single interest, but this is a handy trick for learning.

Anyways, I can go on and on about autism and how my brain works, and maybe I will in a post one day, but for now, enjoy my site. I hope you learn something new.